HAI collaborated with PRONTO International and Timor-Leste’s National Institute of Health and Ministry of Health to integrate on-site simulation trainings into the National Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) Improvement Plan.
HAI’s Prontu Project (Be Ready, Be Prepared in the local Tetum language) employs a highly realistic, low-tech simulation model to improve health providers’ obstetric and newborn emergency care skills. The simulation model, created by PRONTO International, allows multidisciplinary provider teams to practice skills at their home facilities in simulated high-stress environments, emphasizing teamwork, communication skills, and respectful mother care.
The Prontu Project complements Timor-Leste’s National EmONC Improvement Plan by providing the crucial follow up component after national level training. The Prontu Project trains a Simulation Facilitator at the municipal health center level to set up, run, and debrief seven different EmONC scenarios—i.e. postpartum hemorrhage response and neonatal resuscitation—for community health center providers. In addition to improving clinical competencies, Prontu Project trainees highlighted the added value of the teamwork and communication modules as an integral part of providing high quality, responsive care.
“This training is really what we wanted because it adds to our experience, improves our knowledge and skills, and trains us how to work as a team, with good communication, to work appropriately when facing emergency situations.”
-Midwife, Timor-Leste Ministry of Health & Participant in Prontu Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Training