HAMNASA is interested to support the Ministry of Health (MoH) maternal and child health TB intervention to provide intensified case finding activities for TB screening in malnourished mothers, pregnant women and children as well as the general adult population using the ‘One Stop Mobile Diagnostic Van’ at five CHCs in Dili and related health posts. The goal of the program is to reduce the incidence of TB among pregnant women, mothers and children in Timor-Leste through the strategies of
1) increasing TB case detection and treatment through integrating TB screening into routine care provided to pregnant women and children at CHCs (ANC, PNC, screening for malnutrition); and
2) to engage a TB awareness and prevention strategy by providing community engagement and health promotion for mothers and children at risk of or diagnosed with malnutrition. HAMNASA will leverage the opportunity of the mobile diagnostic van visiting health facilities to also screen the general adult population for presumptive TB.